Work Group Updates | Spring 2024


Anti-Racism & Health Equity

The Anti-racism and Health Equity workgroup is currently working on ways to connect with other state chapters who are doing work similar to ours, and networking with them to strengthen the goals we have.

We will also finalize work over the next few months with our YWCA equity consultant to review our chapter’s strategic planning for improved health equity in our chapter and across the state. Our next meeting is Monday, June 10, from 12:15 pm -1:00 pm.

If you are interested in joining the Anti-Racism & Health Equity Work Group, email Jeff Bauer to be added to the group’s email list for upcoming meeting dates and activities.

Early Childhood

The Early Childhood Work Group has been meeting monthly and supporting lectures devoted to the topic of early childhood which are located on the AAP website. Our presenters have included Erin Bailey, Keriann Mahon, Andre Dukes, and Ariel Handevidt speaking on topics such as early relational health, the Northside Achievement Zone and the Children’s Cabinet. The work group is also tracking and supporting activities such as early literacy, the Early Childhood Family Education program, parent-child relational health, and infant mental health.

Additionally, the work group’s recent activities include legislative tracking and advocacy. The primary early childhood initiatives this legislative session have been directed to supporting the changes and programs funded in the ‘23 budget session–with attention to thenestablishment of the new Executive Department of Children, Youth and Families.

We are hoping that other AAP fellows will join us in this work for the crucial birth to preschool children we care for. Please Contact Krish Subrahmanian at or Roger Sheldon at to join the group.

Annual Sponsors

Children's Minnesota
Gillette Children's
Hennepin Healthcare
University of Minnesota Health
Mayo Clinic
Shriners Healthcare for Children-Twin Cities
Psychiatrist Assistance Line
Aspiras Health
Mankato Clinic