Member News

MNAAP Past President Sheldon Berkowitz, MD, FAAP, spoke at the gun violence prevention event, Make a Difference Day on Oct. 14, which was hosted by Protect Minnesota and the Minnesota Committee of Churches.

Sarah Asch, MD, FAAP, FAAD, and Matthew Mahoney, DO, wrote an article that was recently published on the AAP website titled, “Teen Acne: How to Treat & Prevent This Common Skin Condition.” Both are members of the AAP Section on Dermatology.

Dale Dobrin, MD, FAAP; Mary Meland, MD, FAAP; and Roger Sheldon, MD, FAAP, co-authored a Star Tribune Readers Write article with Ada Alden, EdD, focusing on the need for navigators as families seek to establish their eligibility to re-enroll in Medicaid benefits.

Joseph Neglia, MD, MPH, FAAP, was among the co-authors of an opinion exchange piece recently published in the Star Tribune titled, “Health will suffer with predicted hospital cuts.”

Angela Kade Goepferd, MD, FAAP, was profiled as a ChangeMaker by MPR News by MPR News for their work to provide gender-affirming care to Minnesota youth. Dr. Goepferd was also named the grand marshal of the 2023 Twin Cities Pride events.

Chase Shutak, MD, MPH, FAAP, was quoted in a story by KARE11 taking a closer look at the recent rise in ear infections and strep throat in kids.

Ingrid Polcari, MD, FAAP, and Matthew Mahoney, DO, were published on the national AAP website with their article, “Impetigo: What to Know About This Common Skin Infection in Children.” Both Drs. Polcari and Mahoney are members of the AAP Section on Dermatology Education Committee.

Hannah Lichtsinn, MD, FAAP, published a commentary in the Minnesota Reformer titled, “Forcing doctors to sign non-compete clauses harms the health of Minnesotans.”

Kris Catrine, MD, FAAP, was recently recognized with the Excellence in Patient- and Family-Centered Care Award. The award was established by the Children’s Minnesota Family Advisory Council. The advisory council is a diverse group of families whose children have received care at one of Children’s facilities.

Judy Wiltse, MD, FAAP, was interviewed by KSTP for the segment, “Creating structure during your child’s summer vacation.

Sheldon Berkowitz, MD, FAAP, published the article, “Burnout Repositioned: Regaining the joy in providing patient care” in Minnesota Physician.

Hannah Lichtsinn, MD, FAAP; Andrew Kiragu, MD, FAAP; and Sheldon Berkowitz, MD, FAAP all participated in a Moms Demand Action Rally at the Minnesota State Capitol. Drs. Lichtsinn and Kiragu spoke at the rally.

Dr. Berkowitz also testified at the April 26 St. Paul City Council meeting regarding a proposed ordinance to require the safe storage of firearms. You can see his testimony here.

Angela Kade Goepferd, MD, FAAP, and Katy Miller, MD, FAAP, were invited to witness Gov. Walz signing two bills into law that will ban conversion therapy and make Minnesota a refuge state for transgender people.

Dr. Goepferd spoke with Angela Davis of MPR News as part of a conversation about gender-affirming care. You can hear the segment here.

Dr. Goepferd was also quoted in a Politico piece about the effects of gender-affirming care bans for patients, clinics and physicians.

Katy Miller, MD, FAAP, was interviewed for the WCCO-TV segment “Good Question” on the topic of gender-affirming care.

Angela Kade Goepferd, MD, FAAP, recently published an Opinion Exchange in the Star Tribune titled, “Make protection for gender care permanent.”

Angela Kade Goepferd, MD, FAAP, was interviewed by Minnesota Physician for the article, “Providing a Supportive Environment for Children and Their Families.”

MNAAP President Eileen Crespo, MD, FAAP, testified in support of HF2 for Paid Family Medical Leave in the House Workforce Development Committee on Wednesday, Jan. 25. “No family should have to choose a paycheck over bonding with their newborn. I implore Minnesota lawmakers to support Paid Family Medical Leave for all Minnesotans,” she said to the committee.

Andrea Singh, MD, FAAP; Chase Shutak, MD, MPH, FAAP; and Krishnan Subrahmanian, MD, MPhil, DTM, FAAP were quoted in the Star Tribune story, “Why do kids reject their winter coats?

MNAAP President Eileen Crespo, MD, FAAP, spoke at a press conference with Gov. Tim Walz and Lt. Gov. Peggy Flanagan supporting SF2, a bill that would give Minnesotans up to 12 weeks of paid family leave and up to 12 weeks of medical leave.

MNAAP Early Childhood Co-Chair Krishnan Subrahmanian, MD, MPhil, DTM, FAAP, presented at the Jan. 5 House Children and Families Finance and Policy Committee meeting. Dr. Subrahmanian discussed child development and early childhood initiatives. See it here.

Dana Johnson, MD, PhD, FAAP, was recently selected to receive the University of Minnesota Medical School’s 2023 Gold-Headed Cane Award. The award is given annually to recognize a physician’s lifetime of service to children. You can see Dr. Johnson speak to fellow MNAAP member Dr. Sarah Swenson about his career in this video from UMN.

Past MNAAP President Andrew Kiragu, MD, FAAP, was quoted in an article about the ABCs of safe sleep that was featured in the Aitkin Age.

Leslie King-Schultz, MD, MPH, was interviewed in the KSTP story, “Minnesota pharmacies see children’s medication shortage during early flu surge.”

Adam Langenfeld, MD, PhD, FAAP, was interviewed for the Creating a Family podcast a Family podcast on an episode called Understanding Psychotropic Medications.

Nathan Chomilo, MD, FAAP, authored the article, “Threats to our children’s mental health are on the rise” which was published in the Minnesota Spokesman Recorder.

Razaan Byrne, MD, FAAP, was interviewed by KARE11 in the story “Festive fun aside, pediatrician says some Halloween activities can be important for children’s development.”

Krishnan Subrahmanian, MD, FAAP, was interviewed by CBS Minnesota in the story, “What is RSV? What should parents be looking for?

Jill Amsberry, DO, FAAP, presented at the national Reach Out and Read conference at the plenary session titled “Health Systems and Incorporation of Reach Out and Read”.

Nathan Chomilo, MD, FAAP, authored the piece “Community health centers are the backbone of our healthcare safety net” which was published in the Minnesota Spokesman Recorder.

Sarah Kinsella, MD, CAQ, FAAP, co-authored an AAP Voices Blog titled, “How Can we Support the Mental Health of Young Athletes.”

Gigi Chawla, MD, MHA, FAAP, spoke with WCCO-TV about the on-going formula shortage affecting families, including information about formula imported to the U.S. from other countries.

Minnesota Reformer recently featured a Q&A article with Nathan Chomilo, MD, FAAP, about his work as the medical director of Minnesota Medicaid and his efforts to address systemic racism and health disparities in the state.

Gigi Chawla, MD, MHA, FAAP, was featured in a WCCO-TV story, “Pediatrician Raises Concerns over Legalized THC Edibles, Drinks.” Dr. Chawla was also interviewed by KARE11, along with Andrea Singh, MD, FAAP, in the story “Vaccine Rollout Slow So Far For Kids Younger Than 5.

Kelly Bergmann, DO, MS, FAAP, and colleagues and Children’s Minnesota, were published in JAMA Open Network for their research letter, “Analysis of COVID-19–Related Croup and SARS-CoV-2 Variant Predominance in the US.” A cross-sectional study conducted by the group found the proportion of children with COVID-19-related group increased during the Omicron surge. The findings expanded on recent, single-center studies that found an association between COVID-19 and croup.

Hannah Lichtsinn, MD, FAAP, authored a Readers Write submission published in the Star Tribune. In the submission, Dr. Lichtsinn urged for expanded access to abortion care in Minnesota and encouraged health systems to normalize the practice of abortion care in their clinics.

Andrea Singh, MD, FAAP, was interviewed on PBS NewsHour for the segment, “What parents need to know about newly approved COVID vaccines for children under age 5.

Gigi Chawla, MD, MHA, FAAP, spoke with WCCO-TV about the expected approval of emergency use authorization for COVID-19 vaccines for children ages 6 months and older. You can see the segment here, starting around the 1:00 mark.

Robert O. Fisch, MD, passed away June 12 on his 97th birthday. Dr. Fisch was a Holocaust survivor, an advocate for early childhood education and reading, a published author, and a renowned clinical researcher. Read more about his remarkable life here.

Angela Kade Goepferd, MD, FAAP, was interviewed by MPR News about the rise in anti-LGBTQ legislation.

Dawn Martin, MD, FAAP, was interviewed by the Star Tribune about the Hennepin Healthcare mobile health care outreach van.

Gerald Gilchrist, MD, FAAP, passed away on April 10. Dr. Gilchrist was active in Minnesota with Reach Out and Read and in retirement, participated in MNAAP’s policy committee. While at Mayo Clinic, he chaired the pediatric department and led the section of pediatric hematology and oncology before that.

Charles Oberg, MD, MPH, FAAP, and Diana Cutts, MD, FAAP were among the co-authors of the report The impact of COVID-19 on children’s lives in the United States: Amplified inequities and a just path to recovery published in Current Problems in Pediatric and Adolescent Health Care.

Andrew Kiragu, MD, FAAP, FCCM, was a presenter in a recent webinar focused on firearm death and injury hosted by the Minnesota Medical Association and the Public Health Advocacy Student Alliance at the University of Minnesota.

Anjali Goel, MD, FAAP, spoke at a press conference held by Gov. Tim Walz discussing the importance of paid family and medical leave in Minnesota. Dr. Goel pointed to the critical period of brain development in the first 5 years of a child’s life and said, “Paid family leave eliminates the choice so many families have to make between optimizing their child’s development and economic security.”

Past MNAAP President Anne Edwards, MD, FAAP, has been promoted to chief medical officer of the AAP. She previously served as chief population health officer and senior vice president of primary care and subspecialty pediatrics.

Angela Kade Goepferd, MD, FAAP, co-authored the article “Child Abuse in Texas” for the Hastings Center.

MNAAP President Sheldon Berkowitz, MD, FAAP, authored a letter to the editor in MyVillager calling for a fuller view of vaccine data by the publication.

Mark Schleiss, MD, FAAP, was recently awarded the 2021-22 UMMC Medical Staff Award for Clinical Research and Innovation.

Nathan Chomilo, MD, FAAP, was published in the Minnesota Spokesman Recorder with the article, “Report aims to close gap in health disparities for U.S.-born Blacks Minnesotans.”

Valeria Cristiani, MD, FAAP, testified on Wednesday before the House Preventative Health Policy Division about House File 3114, which supports establishing grants and a contract for activities to sustain school-based health centers. You can hear Dr. Cristiani’s testimony in this audio file beginning near the 24-minute mark.

Ashley Bjorklund, MD, FAAP, and Andrew Kiragu, MD, FAAP, were among the co-authors of the article, “Pediatric Critical Care in Resource Limited Settings—Lessening the Gap Through Ongoing Collaboration, Advancement in Research and Technological Innovations” published in Frontiers in Pediatrics.

Hannah Lichtsinn, MD, FAAP, was interviewed by KARE11 in the story, “Doctors: BA.2 subvariant could affect omicron peak in Minnesota.

Hannah Lichtsinn, MD, FAAP, has been added to the national AAP spokesperson roster to represent the AAP on matters of child and teen health.

Mark R. Schleiss, MD, FAAP, was interviewed by MPR News in the story, “With flu cases on the rise, hospitals brace for impact.”

MNAAP President Sheldon Berkowitz, MD, FAAP, and Hannah Lichtsinn, MD, FAAP, were interviewed by KSTP for the story, “Minnesota healthcare providers see a rise in COVID cases among children.” Dr. Berkowitz also spoke with WCCO radio about the increasing number of pediatric cases of COVID.

Eileen Crespo, MD, FAAP, and Hannah Lichtsinn, MD, FAAP, are among the providers featured in a series of tv public service announcements from the Minnesota Department of Health talking to parents about COVID-19 vaccines and disease prevention.

Gigi Chawla, MD, MHA, FAAP, and Andrea Singh, MD, FAAP, were quoted as part of a press release by the Minnesota Department of Health: “Commissioner Malcolm thanks health care providers and partners one year into administering COVID-19 vaccines.”

Hannah Lichtsinn, MD, FAAPspoke as part of a large group of medical providers urging people to get vaccinated as part of the joint message from hospitals and health systems to Minnesota residents.

Mark R. Schleiss, MD, FAAP, was interviewed by WCCO-TV and he urged people not to skip their flu shot this year.

Jill Amsberry, DO, FAAP, was interviewed by the Star Tribune for the article, “St. Cloud elementary vaccine clinic latest in efforts to reach underserved populations.”

Angela Kade Goepferd, MD, FAAP, was a guest on MPR News with Angela Davis for the show, “Raising a gender expansive child.”

Krishnan Subrahmanian, MD, FAAP; Andrea Singh, MD, FAAP; and Hannah Lichtsinn, MD, FAAP, were all interviewed in the KARE11 story, “High demand for vaccines in Minnesota after 5- to 11-year-olds become eligible.”

Madeleine Gagnon, MD, FAAP, was interviewed by the Star Tribune in the article, “Dip in pre-K-12 COVID may be short-lived in Minnesota.” Dr. Gagnon also spoke with MPR News in the story, “Vaccine clinics for younger children expand in Minnesota.

Nathan Chomilo, MD, FAAP, spoke with MPR News about the rollout of COVID-19 vaccinations for younger kids and was interviewed by the Star Tribune in the story, “More information can reframe the risks and rewards of vaccinating your child against COVID-19.”

Roger Sheldon, MD, FAAP, Mary Meland, MD, FAAP; and Dale Dobrin, MD, FAAP, co-authored a Readers Write submission published in the Star Tribune calling for a focus on early childhood development and education.

Kelly Bergmann, DO, MS, FAAP, was awarded Best Overall Abstract in the Emergency Medicine section and the Advocacy Scholarship Recognition by the Emergency Medicine Advocacy Subcommittee at the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) 2021 Virtual National Conference & Exhibition. Dr. Bergmann is the director of research for the department of emergency medicine at Children’s Minnesota.

Andrew Kiragu, MD, FAAP, was voted on to the Executive Committee of the AAP’s Council on Injury, Violence, and Poison Prevention in August.

Dawn Martin, MD, FAAP, was interviewed by Fox 9 for a story about the Hennepin Healthcare mobile vaccination clinic and new Head Start pop-up clinic.

Nathan Chomilo, MD, FAAP, authored the article, “Building Racial Equity into Health Policy” and Janna Gewirtz O’Brien, MD, MPH, FAAP, authored the article, “Cross-Sector Collaboration: Physician Activism Within Community.” Both appeared in the fall issue of MetroDoctors.

Angela Mattke, MD, FAAP, interviewed Robert Jacobson, MD, FAAP, for the Mayo Clinic Q&A podcast episode, “Vaccines and kids — what you need to know about COVID-19, flu.

Hannah Lichtsinn, MD, FAAP, was interviewed by KARE11 for the story, “COVID shots for younger kids: Answering top questions parents may have.

Hannah Lichtsinn, MD, FAAP, authored a Readers Write submission that was published in the Star Tribune. In her submission, Dr. Lichtsinn urged policy leaders in Minnesota to enforce public health measures in schools to allow for safe access to education for all Minnesota children.

Jill Amsberry, DO, FAAP, and Nathan Chomilo, MD, FAAP, received the Minnesota Medical Association’s President’s Award, which recognizes those who have given much of their free time to help improve the association.

Michael Pitt, MD, FAAP, was interviewed by NBC News for the story, “Covid likely led to a rare disorder that left 8-year-old girl paralyzed.”

Gigi Chawla, MD, MHA, FAAP, authored the article, “Best Practices for Physicians Looking to Grow Their Advocacy Voice” and Calla Brown, MD, FAAP, authored the article, “Listening to Learn and Learning to Listen” in the fall issue of MetroDoctors.

Andrea Singh, MD, FAAP, joined youth from across the state for a virtual town hall led by the Minnesota FFA and MN HOSA Future Medical Professionals. The town hall gave students an opportunity to discuss how the pandemic has impacted their school experience, how they can have a safe and meaningful school year and what actions youth can take to curb the spread. You can see a recording of the event here.

Adam Langenfeld, MD, PhD, FAAP, and Kimara Gustafson, MD, MPH, FAAP, had a case study entitled “Importance of Trauma-Informed Practice in Evaluation of Children Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder” published in the Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics.

Nathan Chomilo, MD, FAAP, co-authored the article, “How schools can protect our children and their future when reopening” which was published by the Brookings Institution.

Madeleine Gagnon, MD, FAAP, was interviewed by Fox 9 for the story, “Families of children with underlying conditions await approval of COVID-19 vaccine for younger kids.

MNAAP Immunization Work Group Co-Chair Garrett Jones, MD, FAAP, was interviewed by KARE11 for the story, “These are the mandatory vaccinations your kids need before starting school in Minnesota.“

Jill Foster, MD, FAAP, was interviewed by WCCO-TV for the segment, “When Will COVID-19 Vaccines Be Ready for Kids?

Sarah Kinsella, MD, CAQ, FAAP, was recently elected to the AAP Council on Sports Medicine and Fitness Executive Committee for a three-year term. Dr. Kinsella currently practices at M Health Fairview Orthopedics in Blaine.

Nipunie Rajapakse, MD, FAAP, was interviewed in the WCCO-TV story, “Experts Warn COVID Cases in Kids are Rising.” Chapter President Sheldon Berkowitz, MD, FAAP, was also featured in the story.

Hannah Lichtsinn, MD, FAAP, was featured in the WCCO-TV story, “As School Year Approaches, COVID Developments Cause Concern For Parents” and was interviewed by KARE11 for the story, “As the delta variant spreads, a doctor answers your top questions.”

Hannah Lichtsinn, MD, FAAP, authored the commentary, “To protect kids, Walz needs to mandate a statewide school mask mandate” published in the Minnesota Reformer. Dr. Lichtsinn was also interviewed by WCCO-TV for the story, “CDC Recommends Masks For All In K-12 Schools, Regardless Of Vaccination Status.”

Nathan Chomilo, MD, FAAP, was featured in the Minnesota Spokesman-Recorder’s COVID-19 Check-In.

Andrea Singh, MD, FAAP, spoke with KSTP for the story, “Health expert: Get kids vaccinated against COVID-19 now to be protected in time for school.” Dr. Singh also spoke with WCCO Radio about the importance of getting kids 12 and older vaccinated before school begins.

MNAAP Treasurer Janna Gewirtz O’Brien, MD, FAAP, wrote the opinion letter, “An investment in housing is an investment in the health of Minnesotans” which was published recently in MinnPost.

MNAAP Board Member Gigi Chawla, MD, MHA, FAAP, was a featured guest on WCCO’s Mid-Morning for the segment, “Pediatrician Speaks to the Hidden Dangers of Summer.

Gabrielle Hester, MD, MS, FAAP, was quoted in the article, “Children’s Minnesota tackles racial health disparities.”

MNAAP Board Member Nathan Chomilo, MD, FAAP, was interviewed in the story, “Minnesota COVID-19 Case Rates Reach Low Levels as State Tries to Equitably Administer Vaccines.”

MNAAP Treasurer Janna Gewirtz O’Brien, MD, FAAP, represented AAP during a webinar through the Opportunity Starts at Home coalition, a multi-sector campaign focused on equitable housing policies. Watch the full presentation here.

MNAAP Board Member Nathan Chomilo, MD, FAAP, was quoted in the Star Tribune articles, “Minnesota makes progress in closing gap on COVID-19 vaccine disparities” and “GOP candidate for governor Scott Jensen joins court case to halt COVID vaccines for kids” in which he spoke to the importance of vaccinating children and teens against COVID-19.

Nipunie Rajapakse, MD, FAAP, was interviewed by The Globe for the story, “Mayo sees high numbers of children getting vaccinated in SE Minnesota.”

MNAAP Board Member Rachel Téllez, MD, FAAP, spoke with the Star Tribune about children and teens wearing masks and urged vaccinated parents to model good masking practices for unvaccinated kids.

Robert Jacobson, MD, FAAP, was interviewed by KARE11 for the story, “What does COVID vaccine mean for other vaccines kids need?” Dr. Jacobson is a past president of MNAAP.

Gigi Chawla, MD, MHA, FAAP, was interviewed in the WCCO Mid-Morning Show segment, “Pediatrician Answers Parents’ Concerns Over COVID Vaccine.”

Andrew Barnes, MD, FAAP, Adam Langenfeld, MD, PhD, FAAP, and Marvin So were published in the Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics for the piece, “Adolescent Sleep and Mental Health Across Race/Ethnicity.

Abe Jacob, MD, FAAP, was interviewed by KSTP for the story, “Health experts say children should continue wearing masks as Minnesota lifts mandate.”

MNAAP Board Member Nathan Chomilo, MD, FAAP, was elected to the AAP Section on Minority health Equity and Inclusion’s Executive Committee. His term will begin this November. Dr. Chomilo’s piece, “Helping children exposed to toxic stress” was also published in the Minnesota Spokesman-Recorder and he was interviewed in the Mother Jones’ article, “The Real Reason Behind the Misinformation Epidemic in Online Moms’ Groups.”

Lori DeFrance, MD, FAAP, and Andrea Singh, MD, FAAP, were recently recognized with Special Achievement Awards from the AAP. Dr. DeFrance is a past president of the chapter and a current board member. She is a frequent contributor to media in Minnesota and a testifier at the State Capitol and local governments on issues of concern for children/teens. Dr. Singh also serves on the chapter board of directors. She is chair of pediatrics at Park Nicollet/HealthPartners and the co-chair of the Children’s Health Initiative for Health Partners. She is also the only physician on the Governor’s Children’s Cabinet.

MNAAP Board Member Andrea Singh, MD, FAAP, was interviewed by the Star Tribune for the article, “Younger teens start receiving COVID-19 vaccine in Minnesota.

MNAAP Board Member Katie Smentek, MD, FAAP, was interviewed by KTOE for the story, “Mankato Clinic physicians encourage vaccination for adolescents.” Dr. Smentek discussed the safety and efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccine for adolescents, as well as the importance of keeping on track with childhood and teen immunizations during the pandemic.

Robert Jacobson, MD, FAAP, was interviewed by KTTC for the story, “Mayo Clinic pediatrician addresses recent expansion of Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine eligibility.” Dr. Jacobson also spoke to the Post Bulletin in the article “Younger teens begin receiving COVID vaccine in Southeast Minnesota.” Dr. Jacobson is a past president of MNAAP.

MNAAP Board Member Gretchen Karstens, MD, FAAP, authored the column, “Doctor’s View: ‘When fewer people smoke, we all save money’” for the Duluth News Tribune.

MNAAP Board Member Andrea Singh, MD, FAAP, spoke to the Tri-Valley Opportunity Council Migrant Head Start policy council and staff about the COVID vaccine, safety, and hesitancy.

Nipunie Rajapakse, MD, FAAP, was interviewed in the story, “Mayo Clinic Pediatricians layout road ahead for child vaccination.”

Former MNAAP president and current Minnesota Medical Association President Marilyn Peitso, MD, FAAP, co-authored a Star Tribune commentary, “Systemic racism must be removed from medicine” discussing a recently launched a two-year initiative to combat clinician biases in order to promote health and racial equity.

MNAAP Board Member Michael Pitt, MD, FAAP, was recently profiled in the Star Tribune, “Like magic, M Health Fairview pediatrician eases his young patients’ worries with tricks.”

MNAAP Board Member Hannah Lichtsinn, MD, FAAP, offered her expertise in the KARE11 story, “Johnson & Johnson vaccine connected to blood clots, doctors break down what you need to know.

Hannah Lichtsinn, MD, FAAP, recently authored a Readers Write submission in the Star Tribune, encouraging the repeal of the three/seven rule for COVID-19 vaccine distribution in favor of prioritizing vaccine equity.

Garrett Jones, MD, FAAP, co-chair of the MNAAP Immunization Work Group, recently authored a Star Tribune Readers Write submission, writing about the importance of keeping on track with childhood immunizations in light of increase in-person learning and the potential for increased COVID-19 eligibility.

Nathan Chomilo, MD, FAAP, and Hannah Lichtsinn, MD, FAAP, testified before the Minnesota House Health Policy and Finance Committee, in support of HF 2113, which attempts to address COVID-19 vaccine equity for BIPOC communities. You can view their testimony in this video from the March 22 meeting.

Angela Kade Goepferd, MD, FAAP, and Katy Miller, MD, FAAP, presented “#ProtectTransKids and #LetThemPlay: The new wave of legislation targeting transgender youth” as part of Children’s Minnesota’s virtual grand rounds. The presentation will be posted to Children’s Clinician Education site.

Kathy Kulus, MD, FAAP, was a guest on MPR News with Angela Davis, discussing the effect of climate change on health.

Dawn Martin, MD, FAAP, was a guest on MPR News with Angela Davis on Wednesday, March 10 for the show “Americans put off health care during the pandemic, and it’s time to catch up.” Dr. Martin discussed the pandemic’s effect on childhood immunization rates.

Hannah Lichtsinn, MD, FAAP, was quoted in the Star Tribune article, “Minnesota to address racial and ethnic inequities in COVID-19 vaccinations.”

Andrea Singh, MD, FAAP, was a featured speaker at the Minnesota School-Based Health Alliance Summit 2021, delivering the presentation, “Building Resilient Students: Moving past the pandemic from Crisis Management to Fostering Growth.”

Crystal Knutson, MD, FAAP, was featured in the KARE11 story, “A trip to the doctor led to a life-saving diagnosis; now baby Ozzie’s wait for a heart begins.”

Robert Jacobson, MD, FAAP, was interviewed for the WCCO-TV story, “When Will Children Be Able To Get Vaccinated? Mayo Clinic Pediatrician Weighs In.” Dr. Jacobson was also quoted in the Star Tribune article, “Minnesota health officials ask students and families to take COVID-19 tests every two weeks.”

Abe Jacob, MD, MHA, FAAP, presented during Gov. Tim Walz’s Thursday press conference about the timelines for COVID-19 vaccinations.

Jill Amsberry, DO, FAAP, presented during Gov. Tim Walz’s Thursday press conference, discussing outreach for vaccine distribution in greater Minnesota.

Krishnan Subrahmanian MD, FAAP, was interviewed by WCCO TV for the story, “How To Fight Cabin Fever During Minnesota’s Deep Freeze.

MNAAP President Sheldon Berkowitz, MD, FAAP; Past President Marilyn Peitso, MD, FAAP; Anne Griffiths, MD, FAAP; and Beth Thielen, MD, PhD, FAAP testified before the Minnesota House Health Policy and Finance Committee in support of HF 604, which would require face coverings in certain settings.

MNAAP President Sheldon Berkowitz, MD, FAAP, testified before the Minnesota Senate Committee on Health and Human Services Finance and Policy about mask use during youth sports.

Nathan Chomilo, MD, FAAP, authored a piece on his journey to getting a COVID shot published in the Sahan Journal and had a follow up conversation with Tom Crann on MPR about his experience. Dr. Chomilo was a guest on KMOJ on Jan. 25, talking with Chantel Sings and Marcus Owens from the African American Leadership Forum about the COVID-19 vaccine. The conversation will re-air on Saturday, Jan. 30, at 7:30 pm.

The chapter was mentioned in the Crookston Times for its partnership as a sponsor of the Escape the Vape contest.

Abe Jacob, MD, FAAP, spoke with KARE11 for the story “You asked, a top doctor answered some of the most popular questions about COVID-19 vaccines.”

Hannah Lichtsinn, MD, FAAP, and Calla Brown, MD, FAAP, co-authored the op-ed “Minnesota is obligated to provide adequate health care to people who are incarcerated; here’s some first steps” with Kathleen Moccio. The submission was published in the Minnesota Reformer.

Andrea Singh, MD, FAAP, will be featured on the KMOJ-FM show The Power to the Parent on Sunday at 11 a.m. Dr. Singh will be speaking about Early Brain Development, Little Moments Count and also taking questions about COVID-19 vaccines and vaccine hesitancy.

Krishnan Subramanian, MD, FAAP, spoke with WCCO-TV for the story “What Do Families Need To Know About Kids, Masks And Sports?”

Tom Scott, MD, FAAP, authored the letter “Sen. Utke, show leadership during this public health crisis” which was published in the Park Rapids Enterprise.

Claire Neely, MD, FAAP; Nathan Chomilo, MD, FAAP; Steven Inman, MD, FAAP; Ruth Lynfield, MD, FAAP; Jeanne Mrozek, MD, FAAP; Tom Schrup, MD, FAAP; Jakub Tolar, MD, PhD, FAAP, were included as Minnesota Physician’s 100 influential Health Care Leaders.

Nathan Chomilo, MD, FAAP, was recently featured on KARE-11 News for his participation in vaccine trials to help educate and alleviate concerns on COVID-19 vaccines.

Amelia Burgess, MD, FAAP, had a letter published in the Star Tribune, suggesting the phrase “use tax” instead of “sin tax.”

Heather Decker, MD, FAAP, was featured in the NBC News story, “Primary care offices struggling to survive during Covid-19.”

Angela Kade Goepferd, MD, FAAP, was interviewed by KARE11 for the story, “What Elliot Page’s coming out means.”

MNAAP Board Member Madeleine Gagnon, MD, FAAP, was joined by Senator Amy Klobuchar at Gillette Children’s Specialty Healthcare on Sunday to highlight the importance of the flu vaccine this season.

Robert Jacobson, MD, FAAP, explained why routine vaccinations for children are so important during the COVID-19 pandemic in this Concord Monitor article. Dr. Jacobson’s guidance on vaccinations was also featured in the article,”Flu vaccination rates falling short in SE Minnesota.

MNAAP Board Member Hannah Lichtsinn, MD, FAAP, was interviewed by KARE11 in the story, “Healthcare workers write letter urging Gov. Walz to dial back even more.”

MNAAP Board Member Kathy Kulus, MD, FAAP, delivered a TEDxSt.Cloud talk with cardiologist Dr. John Mahowald about how climate change is impacting our health.

Blanton Bessinger, MD, FAAP, and past MNAAP President Marilyn Peitso, MD, FAAP, were named as recipients of the University of Minnesota’s Department of Pediatrics Gold-Headed Cane Award for 2020.

Jonathan KenKnight, MD, FAAP, offered advice about trick or treating in this Brainerd Dispatch article.

MNAAP Board Member Angela Kade Goepferd, MD, FAAP, presented at TEDxMinneapolis Talk on Sept. 20, 2020, focusing on “The revolutionary truth about kids and gender identity.”

MNAAP Board Member Nathan Chomilo, MD, FAAP, and MNAAP Past President Andrew Kiragu, MD, FAAP, were included in the article “Metro Black doctors ‘give back’ by sharing their expertise” which highlighted physicians who provide expert information and guidance on the health issues of greatest concern to African Americans through the Minnesota Spokesman-Recorder.

The work of MNAAP Board Member Nathan Chomilo, MD, FAAP, as a pediatrician and medical director of Minnesota’s Medicaid program, will be profiled in the November issue of The Lancet Child and Adolescent Health. Read the full article here.

MNAAP Board Member Madeleine Gagnon, MD, FAAP, participated in a conversation with MPR News about managing kids’ screen time during the pandemic. Listen to the audio here.

MNAAP Board Member Angela Kade Goepferd, MD, FAAP, spoke with KARE11 about rising child obesity rates during the pandemic.

Marilyn Peitso, MD, FAAP, now serves as president of the Minnesota Medical Association. Dr. Peitso is a past president of MNAAP and is a pediatric hospitalist at CentraCare in St. Cloud.

Amelia Burgess, MD, has agreed to serve as the Minnesota E-cigarette Chapter Champion and liaison to the American Academy of Pediatrics.

A letter written by Mark Nupen, MD, “Bad laws led to Breonna Taylor’s death” was published in the Pioneer Press recently.

Two MNAAP Board Members were recent guests on the AAP’s weekly podcast, “Pediatrics on Call.” Nathan Chomilo, MD, FAAP, discussed how to encourage patients and caregivers to vote. Michael Pitt, MD, FAAP, spoke about incorporating magic and medicine. Dr. Chomilo was also a guest on the American Medical Association’s Prioritizing Equity YouTube series, talking about the ways in which COVID-19 may uniquely impact the traditional voting process, and the importance of voting for minoritized and marginalized communities. Dr. Pitt’s article, “Magical Thinking: How Learning to Act Like a Magician Can Make You a Better Physician,” was also published in the September 2020 issue of Pediatrics.

MNAAP Board Member Angela Kade Goepferd, MD, FAAP, was interviewed by KTTC-TV in Rochester about new CDC guidelines categorizing Halloween activities by risk level.

Ruth Lynfield, MD, FAAP, was quoted in the KARE11 story “Minnesota health officials reflect on COVID-19 pandemic response” and the article, “25 cases of rare child disease possibly linked to COVID-19 in Minnesota” from Bring Me the News.

Tom Scott, MD, FAAP, received the 2020 MNAAP Child Advocacy Award, and Marjorie Hogan, MD, FAAP, received the 2020 MNAAP Distinguished Service Award, during the chapter’s annual meeting on Friday, Sept. 11.

Gigi Chawla, MD, MHA, FAAP, was interviewed by WCCO for the segment, “Ask a Pediatrician: Having a Baby During COVID-19 Pandemic.

Angela Kade Goepferd, MD, FAAP, was interviewed by WCCO in the story, “Routines Can Help Students Stay Focused During Uncertainty Of COVID-19 Schooling.”

Nathan Chomilo, MD, FAAP, co-authored the piece, “AAP campaign: Vote like children’s futures depend on it” for AAP News and was interviewed by KARE11 about the impact of COVID-19 on children 5 and under.

MNAAP President Sheldon Berkowitz, MD, FAAP, was quoted in the Minnesota Reformer article, “Minnesota’s childhood vaccination rates falling during the pandemic, putting kids at risk.” Former MNAAP President and current Minnesota Medical Association President-elect Marilyn Peitso, MD, FAAP, was also interviewed and offered insight into low immunization rates.

Rachel Tellez, MD, MS, FAAP, has been appointed to the MNAAP/MAPF Executive Committee. She is a pediatrician at Park Nicollet Clinic – Brookdale and chair of the MNAAP’s Poverty and Disparities Work Group.

Marcie Billings, MD, FAAP, has been appointed to the MNAAP/MAPF Board. She is chair of Mayo Clinic’s Division of Community Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine.

Krishnan Subrahmanian, MD, FAAP, will join Nate Chomilo, MD, FAAP, as Co-Chair of the MNAAP Early Childhood Caucus. Dr. Subrahmanian is a pediatrician at Hennepin Healthcare in Minneapolis and Richfield and works closely with Representative Dave Pinto, Chair of the Minnesota Legislature’s Early Childhood Policy and Finance Division. He will be replacing Dr. Tom Scott, who is retiring from that leadership role but plans to remain an active member of the group. The chapter is thankful to Dr. Tom Scott for his past, present and continued work on these issues.

Jill Amsberry, DO, FAAP, wrote the article “Helping Your Kids Mask Up During COVID-19.” Dr. Amsberry is the medical director of CentraCare Pediatrics clinic.

Jonathan KenKnight, MD, FAAP, was quoted in the Duluth News Tribune article, “Northland schools prepare for 2020-21 school year decision” offering advice on preparing children to wear masks as part of the return to school.

Angela Kade Goepferd, MD, FAAP, was featured in the profile, “A Gentle Leader,” in Mpls.St.Paul Magazine.

Gigi Chawla, MD, MHA, FAAP, was interviewed by the Star Tribune about ways to help children understand the importance of wearing face masks.

Dawn Martin, MD, FAAP, was interviewed by FOX9 about her work starting up the Hennepin Healthcare mobile pediatric vaccine unit, a partnership with Hennepin EMS that helps bring immunizations to patients at their homes.

Krishnan Subrahmanian, MD, FAAP, was interviewed by WCCO in the news story, “With Walz’s Decision On School Looming, Local Pediatrician Weighs In On COVID-19 Child Impacts.

The Star Tribune article, “Non-COVID vaccines offer some COVID protection, Mayo Clinic reports,” cited a MNAAP member survey which estimated a 30 to 40 percent decline in childhood immunizations so far during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Mark Schleiss, MD, FAAP, was quoted in the New York Times article, “What Is It That Keeps Most Little Kids From Getting Covid-19?

Gigi Chawla, MD, MHA, FAAP, was appointed by Gov. Walz to the Minnesota Board of Medical Practice as a physician member.

Nathan Chomilo, MD, FAAP, was interviewed by MPR News for the story, “How the decision to resume school might affect Minnesota’s communities of color.”

Anne Griffiths, MD, FAAP, spoke with WCCO’s Mid-Morning show about the possible connection between COVID-19 and vaping.

MNAAP President Sheldon Berkowitz, MD, FAAP, spoke with the MinnPost about the importance of vaccinations and well child visits, and was quoted in this article, “Minnesota doctors see worrisome reduction in childhood immunization rates during pandemic.”

Lori DeFrance, MD, FAAP, MNAAP past-president, was quoted in the article, “Minnesota’s physicians encourage Minnesotans to have routine vaccinations.”

Jessica Hane, MD, was published in the Star Tribune’s Readers Write urging for state support to end homelessness in Minnesota.

Gigi Chawla, MD, FAAP, spoke on the WCCO Mid-Morning Show about the importance of scheduling well child visits and immunizations.

A photo by Jeff Karp, DMD, titled “Power” was included in Artistic Antidote for a Pandemic from the Center for the Art of Medicine at the University of Minnesota.

Pamela Heggie, MD, FAAP, co-authored the article “In-Hospital Formula Feeding and Breastfeeding Duration” in the AAP’s Pediatrics.

MNAAP Past-President Lori DeFrance, MD, FAAP, was quoted in the Alexandria Echo Press about the decrease in well child visits and childhood immunization rates seen since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. Dr. DeFrance was also quoted in the West Central Tribune encouraging Minnesotans to keep up-to-date with immunizations and well child visits during the pandemic.

The research letter “Preventive Health Care Utilization Among Youths Who Have Run Away, Experienced Homelessness, or Been Stably Housed” co-authored by Janna Gewirtz O’Brien, MD, FAAP, was published in JAMA Pediatrics.

Nathan Chomilo, MD, FAAP, will speak via Zoom on Tuesday, July 21 from 10 – 11 a.m. in the second part of a two-part series, ” Talking to Kids About Racism,” hosted by the St. Paul Jewish Community Center. Dr. Chomilo will focus on resources and language that can help guide conversations about racism with children. Hannah Lichtsinn, MD, FAAP, led the first session in the series on Thursday, July 9.

Angela Kade Goepferd, MD, FAAP, spoke with Jana Shortal of KARE11 about the impact canceled in-person Pride Month activities may have on LGBTQ youth. Dr. Goepferd was also a recent guest on the Caring Greatly podcast, discussing the effect of the COVID-19 crisis on LGBTQ+ children and young adults.

Nusheen Ameenuddin, MD, MPH, FAAP, was quoted by CNN in a story about the AAP’s new policy on digital advertising and its effect on kids, which was released on Monday. Dr. Ameenuddin co-authored the policy and is the chair of the AAP Council on Communications and Media.

Andrea Singh, MD, FAAP, was quoted in the Star Tribune article, “Parents seek strategies to help kids cope with pandemic, racial injustice.”

Nathan Chomilo, MD, FAAP, participated in a virtual panel with Common Sense Media called, “Helping Kids Process Violence, Trauma, and Race in a World of Nonstop News.” You can view a replay of the panel on YouTube. Dr. Chomilo also spoke with Minnesota Public Radio’s Angela Davis about racial health disparities and how to fix them.

Gigi Chawla, MD, FAAP, was featured in a Good Morning America story about health care workers joining clean up efforts and rallies to protest disparities following the death of George Floyd.

Hannah Lichtsinn, MD, FAAP, wrote a letter to the Star Tribune “Protesters should get tested, but their privacy is at risk” arguing that Governor Walz’s executive order 20-34 “poses a significant barrier to adequate and recommended medical care for Minnesotans and should be revoked.”

Gigi Chawla, MD, FAAP, spoke with the Star Tribune about the ways in which Children’s Minnesota is adapting patient visits at its clinic locations in order to provide care to children during the pandemic.

Abe Jacob, MD, FAAP, M Health Fairview chief quality officer, spoke with KARE11 about the importance of mask compliance.

Ruth Lynfield, MD, FAAP, participated in a webinar hosted by Children’s Health Network exploring epidemiological and policy considerations of COVID-19. MNAAP Executive Director Melissa DeBilzan and Lobbyist Eric Dick also participated.

Gigi Chawla, MD, MHA, FAAP, was a guest on WCCO Mid-Morning where she discussed an inflammatory condition being seen in children with COVID-19, as well as the profound impact reading has on children’s development.

Malini DeSilva, MD, FAAP, spoke with the Star TribuneSt. Paul Pioneer Press, and MinnPost about the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) that indicated a drop in childhood vaccinations during the COVID-19 pandemic, which Dr. DeSilva co-authored.

Madeleine Gagnon, MD, FAAP, spoke with Fox9 about the rare inflammatory condition being seen in children with COVID-19.

Dawn Martin, MD, FAAP, spoke to the Star Tribune about the importance of childhood vaccinations and well child visits during the pandemic.

Andrew Olson, MD, FAAP, FACP, was quoted in a Star Tribune in an article about COVID-19 preparations and hospital discharges.

Mark Schleiss, MD, FAAP, spoke with KCBS Radio about a rare inflammatory condition being seen in children who test positive for COVID-19.

Krishnan Subrahmanian, MD, FAAP, spoke with KARE11 about the importance of rituals and resilience to help kids’ mental health during COVID-19.

MNAAP President-elect Sheldon Berkowitz, MD, FAAP, co-authored the piece “Transitioning Patients With Complex Health Care Needs to Adult Practices: Theory Versus Reality” which has been published online and will appear in the June issue of Pediatrics. Dr. Berkowitz was also published in Minnesota Physician with his article calling for prior authorization reform.

Nathan Chomilo, MD, FAAP, and Malini DeSilva, MD, FAAP, co-authored an article on racial equity in COVID-19 policy that was published on the Health Affairs blog. Dr. Chomilo also spoke with KARE11 about the importance of well child visits and immunizations during the pandemic, and the New York Times about the possible effects of the pandemic on vulnerable populations.

Hannah Lichstinn, MD, FAAP, created a YouTube series called “COVID Corner with Dr. Hannah” to answer questions about coronavirus from students at her daughter’s elementary school.

Claudia Fox, MD, MPH, FAAP, DABOM was elected to the American Academy of Pediatrics Section on Obesity Executive Committee. Her term will start on November 1, 2020.  Please reach out to her via email at if you have issues related to childhood obesity that you would like to be addressed.

Julia Joseph-DiCaprio, MD, MPH, FAAP, was featured a recent Star Tribune article for her work at the Elim Church shelter to screen residents for the COVID-19 virus. You can read the article here.

Jessica Hane, MD, was named the recipient of the 2020 Walter Tunnessen Award from Medicine-Pediatrics Program Directors Association (MPPDA).

Holly Belgum, MD, wrote a children’s book to kids better understand quarantine and social distancing.

Abraham Jacob, MD, FAAP, M Health Fairview’s chief quality officer, was recently interviewed in the Star Tribune about hospital use of ultraviolet decontamination with N95 masks. Read the article here.

Pamela Gigi Chawla, MD, MHA, FAAP, has been named the new medical director of Reach Out and Read Minnesota. Dr. Chawla is currently the chief of general pediatrics at Children’s Minnesota and is a MNAAP board member. You can read more about her role with Reach Out and Read here.

MNAAP members offered their expertise and insight to the Star Tribune Magazine for the publication’s quarterly “Afraid to Ask” article. The spring article focused specifically on common questions parents and caregivers have about newborns and babies. You can see their answers here.

Several MNAAP members named 2020 Rising Stars by Mpls St.Paul magazine. According to the magazine, physicians who make the list are emerging leaders who have been recognized by peers for significant achievements in the first decade of their profession.

Janna R. Gewirtz O’Brien, MD, FAAP, and Andrew J. Barnes, MD, FAAP and collaborators published “Mental Health Outcomes Among Homeless, Runaway, and Stably Housed Youth,” in the April 2020 issue of Pediatrics.

Andrew Kiragu, MD, FAAP, past president of MNAAP, has been recognized as a fellow in the Society of Critical Care Medicine’s (SCCM) American College of Critical Care Medicine (ACCM). Fellowship recognizes individuals who have demonstrated significant contributions and have made an impact in the critical care profession at a regional, state, or national level.

The work of Emily Borman-Shoap, MD, FAAP, at the University of Minnesota to help train pediatric residents to better handle mental health issues was profiled in the American Board of Pediatrics’ annual report.

Rachel Tellez, MD, FAAP, was named March 2020 Advocacy Champion by the Minnesota Medical Association. Dr. Tellez was also recently interviewed by KARE11 to answer questions about the Coronavirus. You can see the interview here

Robert Jacobson, MD, FAAP, and Mark Schleiss, MD, FAAP, were recently quoted in a Minnesota Reformer article that shines a spotlight on the connection anti-vaccination advocates have with Minnesota legislators.

Marc Gorelick, MD, MSCE, FAAP, president and CEO of Children’s Minnesota, participated in a panel discussion hosted by Minneapolis/St.Paul Business Journal  to discuss what the future may bring to the health care industry in 2020.

Diana Cutts, MD, FAAP, has been appointed Chair of Pediatrics at Hennepin Healthcare. Dr. Cutts served as interim chair since 2018.

Janna Gewirtz O’Brien, MD, FAAP, was published with collaborators on the new AAP report “Runaway Youth: Caring for the Nation’s Largest Segment of Missing Children” in the January 2020 issue of Pediatrics.

Andrea Singh, MD, FAAP, has been selected to serve on the Governor’s Children’s Cabinet Advisory Council.

Nathan Chomilo, MD, FAAP, authored an opinion piece in the MinnPost: “Educational disparities: The gap we need to address is the opportunity gap.”

Angela Mattke, MD, FAAP, and Valeria Cristiani, MD, FAAP, answered questions about the importance of well-child appointments through a Facebook Live video Q&A hosted by the Mayo Clinic.

Brian Lynch, MD, FAAP, discussed the science of toxic stress and Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) on children on the podcast “Terrible, Thanks for Asking.” The podcast episode titled “What Happened to You” is available in three parts: Part 1Part 2, and Part 3 The episode was produced with Call to Mind, American Public Media’s initiative to foster new conversations about mental health.

Angela Goepferd, MD, FAAP, and Valeria Cristiani, MD, FAAP, have each received a Special Achievement Award from the American Academy of Pediatrics. Dr. Goepferd was recognized for her leadership in professional training and support for LGBTQ and questioning youth in Minnesota. Dr. Cristiani was honored for her drive to start a school-based health clinic at the Rochester Alternative Learning Center.

Kelly Bergmann, MD, FAAP, collaborated with colleagues on an article recently published in the AAP’s Hospital Pediatrics journal. The article was titled, “Identifying Patients With Kawasaki Disease Safe for Early Discharge: Development of a Risk Prediction Model at a US Children’s Hospital.”

Two MNAAP members were honored recently by the American Academy of Pediatrics with awards marking their dedication to the health of children:

Cynthia R. Howard, MD, MPH, FAAP, received the Hillman-Olness Award for Lifetime Service and Lasting Contributions to Global Child Health. Dr. Howard is an associate professor in pediatrics at the University of Minnesota Medical School.

Dana E. Johnson, MD, PhD, FAAP, received the Thomas F. Tonniges, MD, FAAP, Lifetime Achievement Award for Advocacy on Behalf of Vulnerable Children. Dr. Johnson is a professor of pediatrics in the Division of Neonatology at the University of Minnesota Medical Center – Fairview.


Thomas Schrup, MD, FAAP, was named as a 2019 Community Caregiver by Minnesota Physician medical business journal. Dr. Schrup received the recognition for his volunteer work providing critical wellness visits and consults to homeless youth in St. Cloud.

Anne Griffiths, MD, FAAP, a pediatric pulmonologist with Children’s Minnesota, participated in the webinar Update on Severe Lung Injury Associated with Vaping, Clinical Issues and Epidemiology in Minnesota. The webinar was co-hosted by the Minnesota Department of Health and the Minnesota Hospital Association. The webinar recording is available here.

Emily Chapman, MD, FAAP, was a guest on the Sept. 18th Dr. Oz Show, discussing recent lung injuries related to vaping. Dr. Chapman is the chief medical officer at Children’s Minnesota, where several teens have been treated for vaping-related lung injury.

Dick Wicklund, MD, FAAP; Beatrice Murray, MD, FAAP; Paula Mackey, MD, FAAP; Linda Thompson, MD, FAAP; Ted Jewett, MD, FAAP; Mike Severson, MD, FAAP; Carolyn Levitt, MD. FAAP; and Kristin Benson, MD, FAAP joined Dan Broughton, MD, FAAP for the September Senior Pediatrician Lunch.

Angela Kade Goepferd, MD, FAAP, joined MPR News host Angela Davis to discuss talking with children about gender and how to create an inclusive environment for all students at school. You can hear their conversation here.

Emily Borman-Shoap, MD, FAAP; Jessica Hane, MD; Erin McHugh, MD; and Heidi Moline, MD, authored a Readers Write article in the Star Tribune that detailed the risks of vaping for adolescents and called for legislation to regulate vaping and e-cigarettes.

Nathan Chomilo, MD, FAAP, was interviewed by MPR News about the importance of unstructured play in child development.

Nusheen Ameenuddin, MD, FAAP; Robert Jacobson, MD, FAAP; and Angela Mattke, MD, FAAP, met with Surgeon General of the United State Jerome Adams during his visit to the Mayo Clinic on Aug. 27. The MNAAP members discussed immunization efforts with the surgeon general in a meeting organized and hosted by the Zumbro Valley Medical Society.

Katy Miller, MD, FAAP,  and Calla Brown, MD, FAAP, along with their team members Maura Shramko PhD and Maria Veronica Svetaz, MD (principal investigator), were recently awarded the Joanna Simer Research Fellowship Grant for their project “Latinx Youth Perspectives of Immigrant Policy Context, Deportation, and Family Resilience Processes: A Qualitative Exploration of Healthy Youth Development in Anti-Immigrant Contexts.” The team recently published a review of trauma-informed care for refugee and immigrant youth.

Nathan Chomilo, MD. FAAP, offered KARE 11 insight into childhood imaginary friends after a UK report noted a decrease in the prevalence of imaginary friends among children, citing screens as a possible reason.

Marjorie Hogan, MD, FAAP, co-wrote the book Terrific Toddlers! Simple Solutions, Practical Parenting. The book is a resource for parents navigating the toddler years.

Emily Chapman, MD, FAAP, chief medical officer at Children’s Minnesota, and Ruth Lynfield, MD, FAAP, state epidemiologist, were recently quoted in a Star Tribune article, “Teen lung diseases linked to vaping, Minnesota Health Department reports.” The article takes a closer look at four recent cases of lung injury in teens associated with vaping, and calls on physicians to be on the lookout for symptoms related to youth vaping.

Jeff Schiff, MD, FAAP, penned an open letter to Governor Tim Walz and state lawmakers calling for the creation of an independent board to oversee the Medicaid program and its policies. Dr. Schiff previously served as the medical director of Minnesota’s Medicaid program. You can read coverage of the letter in the Pioneer Press.

Janna Gewirtz-O’Brien, MD, FAAP, was quoted in a Star Tribune article that identified short-sighted decisions about Minnesota’s Medicaid program that are harming patients in the process. Dr. Gewirtz-O’Brien spoke to the barriers for patients to access long-acting reversible contraceptives or LARCs.

Krishnan Subrahmanian, MD, FAAP, spoke with WCCO-TV about the importance of sports physicals as part of the station’s “Good Question” segment. You can see the video here.

Nusheen Ameenuddin, MD, FAAP, was promoted to chair of the Council on Communications and Media at American Academy of Pediatrics

Nathan Chomilo, MD, FAAP, was a recent guest on the “What is Black?” podcast, discussing early literacy, racial and health equity. You can hear the podcast here.

Brian Lynch, MD, FAAP, was interviewed by Minnesota Public Radio as part of the “Call to Mind” mental health exhibit. Dr. Lynch spoke about adverse childhood experiences and how early trauma can affect kids, adults, and public health.

Brian Lynch, MD, FAAP, was interviewed by Minnesota Public Radio as part of the “Call to Mind” mental health exhibit. Dr. Lynch spoke about adverse childhood experiences and how early trauma can affect kids, adults, and public health.

Angela Mattke, MD, FAAP, was interviewed by WGN – Chicago about her new book “Mayo Clinic Guide to Raising a Healthy Child.” You can see the interview here.

MNAAP President-Elect Sheldon Berkowitz, MD, FAAP, represented the chapter at the recent signing of the Rare Disease Advisory Council bill, at the request of Erica Barnes, who advocated for the council’s creation after the death of her young daughter from a rare degenerative neural disorder.

Kathleen Miller, MD, FAAP, authored a counterpoint opinion article that was published in the Star Tribune, providing insight into the value of gender affirming care after the Children’s Minnesota’s gender health program was called risky and unnecessary by a previous letter to the editor.

After reading a Pioneer Press article about an 8-year-old girl who found her mom’s gun in her backpack,  MNAAP President-elect Sheldon Berkowitz, MD, FAAP, wrote a letter to the editor to make sure everyone knows the “4 simple steps to keep guns out of kids’ hands.”

Tom Scott, MD, FAAP, has been invited by the Children’s Defense Fund to serve on the 2019 Minnesota KIDS COUNT advisory group.

MNAAP President-Elect Sheldon Berkowitz, MD, FAAP, authored an article in The American Jewish World advocating for rabbis and Jewish community leaders to take a stand for immunizations to protect children from measles and other vaccine-preventable diseases. Read the full article here.

Nathan Chomilo, MD, FAAP, was joined by Cuong Pham, MD, at the Capitol on Wednesday, May 15, to advocate for the repeal of the sunset of the Provider Tax. You can see coverage from KARE11 of their efforts here.

Nathan Chomilo, MD, FAAP, testified on May 10 before a legislative conference committee on behalf of Reach Out and Read MN’s inclusion in the education funding budget. You can see his testimony here (beginning at the 35:00 mark).

Sue Berry, MD, FAAP, co-chair of the MNAAP policy workgroup, authored a commentary about the provider tax in the Star Tribune.

Nathan Chomilo, MD, FAAP, authored a letter to the editor in the Sun Post advocating for the repeal of the sunset of Minnesota’s provider tax.

Ann Sneiders, MD, FAAP, offered an evidence-based rebuttal to a previously published anti-vaccination letter to the editor in the Owatonna People’s Press. In her letter, Dr. Sneiders pointed to the importance of immunizations in preventing illness, writing “immune systems are like muscles — they need exercise to get strong.”

MNAAP President Lori DeFrance, MD, FAAP and three other MNAAP members will attend the American Academy of Pediatrics 2019 Legislative Conference in Washington, DC, April 7-9. During the conference, participants will learn how to become effective child health advocates through interactive workshops and in-depth training sessions, while networking with pediatricians, residents and medical students from across the country.

Nathan Chomilo, MD, FAAP, a pediatrician and internist at Park Nicollet, attended the April 3 State of the State address as a guest of Governor Tim Walz. Walz mentioned Dr. Chomilo’s work in his speech to emphasize the importance of repealing the sunset of the Provider Tax.

Angela Kade Goepferd, MD, FAAP, recently spoke to the Star Tribune about the opening of Children’s Minnesota’s clinic for transgender youth. Dr. Goepferd serves as medical director of the clinic. Read the article here: 

Emily Chapman, MD, FAAP, chief medical officer at Children’s Minnesota, spoke at a press conference in support of the Breakfast After the Bell legislation, which would make it easier for children to get breakfast at school.

Robert Jacobson, MD, FAAP, an expert in childhood vaccines at Mayo Clinic, was interviewed by the Louisville Courier Journal after the governor of Kentucky said he favors exposure to chickenpox over vaccination. Read the article here

Emily Borman-Shoap, MD, testified before the Senate Higher Education Finance & Policy Committee on March 5 in support of SF 1702 (Clausen), which would provide funding to support mental health training for pediatric residents at the University of Minnesota.

Nathan Chomilo, MD, FAAP, testified on behalf of HF 909, which would provide funding to address racial disparities in prenatal care.

Past MNAAP President Andrew Kiragu, MD, FAAP, recently testified in support of HF 8, which would require criminal background checks for private firearm sales and transfers and HF 9, also known as the “red flag” bill, which would allow law enforcement and family members to petition a court to prohibit people from possessing firearms if they pose a significant danger to themselves or others.

An op-ed written by Nathan Chomilo, MD, FAAP, arguing the case for paid family medical leave, was printed in the Star Tribune on Feb. 25.

Past MNAAP President Mike Severson, MD, FAAP, and Children’s Defense Fund Minnesota Executive Director Bharti Wahi penned a great opinion piece encouraging lawmakers to repeal the sunset of the provider tax.

Past MNAAP President Marilyn Peitso, MD, FAAP, testified on Feb. 13 before the House Health and Human Services Policy Committee in support of House File 12, a bill that would ban “conversion therapy” for children or vulnerable adults in Minnesota. You can view her testimony here.

Nathan Chomilo, MD, FAAP, was selected by the Minneapolis Department of Civil Rights to receive the 2019 History Makers at Home Award. The award honors African American leaders throughout the state who are making a difference in their communities in the areas of the business, health, education, government, and more. Dr. Chomilo was highlighted on the department’s Facebook page as part of a series introducing the award winners.

Angela Goepferd, MD, FAAP, spoke to KARE 11 about the impact online hate speech can have on children.

Lindsey Yock, MD, JD, FAAP, co-chair of MNAAP’s policy committee, testified about childhood hunger and health on Feb.5, 2019 before the House Education Finance Committee as part of an informational hearing on school nutrition. Her testimony is available at (beginning at 44:40).

Lucien Gonzalez, MD, MS, FAAP, was named chairperson of the American Academy of Pediatric’s national committee on Substance Use and Prevention. The committee is tasked with producing guidance for pediatricians, state and federal government, and other stakeholders to reduce harm from substance use.

Nathan Chomilo, MD, FAAP, medical director of Reach Out and Read Minnesota, congratulated Minneapolis on becoming the country’s largest “Bookend City” in the country, meaning all 32 clinics in the city have chosen to participate in Reach Out and Read. Additionally, clinics had to meet eight quality measures, which included at least 75% of providers being trained in the model and every clinic creating a literacy-rich environment for their patients. All together in Minnesota, there are 262 clinics now participating in Reach Out and Read, representing 40% of all children ages 6 months through 5 years statewide.

Gigi Chawla, MD, MHA, FAAP chief of general pediatrics at Children’s Minnesota, participated in a panel discussion following the Minnesota premiere of No Small Matter. The documentary focuses on the importance of high-quality early childhood education in child development. The screening was hosted by Children’s Minnesota, Minnesota Public Radio, and HealthPartners.

The Senate Health and Human Services Committee hosted MNAAP President-elect Sheldon Berkowitz, MD, FAAP, for a discussion of the health impact of screen time on children and adolescents on January 24. Dr. Berkowitz shared with the committee the most recent research about screen time and its impact on child health and brain development. Dr. Berkowitz’s testimony can be viewed at the link available here.

Nathan Chomilo, MD, FAAP, co-authored a commentary in Minnesota Medicine focusing on the small but significant steps all physicians can take to make a difference in addressing health equity in Minnesota. Read the article here.

MNAAP President-elect Sheldon Berkowitz, MD, FAAP, offered the Star Tribune insight into Minnesota’s drop in national health rankings, particularly where low childhood vaccination rates are concerned. Read the article here.

Robert Jacobson, MD, FAAP, past MNAAP president, pediatrician, and professor of pediatrics at Mayo Clinic, has been selected as Minnesota’s 2018 HPV Vaccine is Cancer Prevention Champion for his continual efforts to promote HPV vaccination and its power to prevent cancer. For his 13 to 15-year-old patients seen in the last two years, 71.2 percent have completed the HPV vaccine series as compared to only about 19.5 percent of 13 to 15-year-olds statewide completing the recommended HPV series.

Read more about the work Dr. Jacobson has done to improve HPV vaccination rates.

A recent study published in Pediatrics involving the four children’s hospitals in Minnesota looked at the cause of delayed discharge in children with medical complexity. Of 1,582 delayed discharges, 92 percent were directly attributed to lack of availability in home care nursing. The study suggests that increasing the availability of home care nurses or post-acute care facilities could reduce the length of hospital stay and associated costs. Roy Maynard, MD, FAAP with Pediatric Home Service oversaw the study.

Ruth Lynfield, MD, FAAP, Minnesota Department of Health State Epidemiologist and Medical Director, was named co-chair on CDC‘s Acute Flaccid Myelitis Task Force.

Claire Neely, MD, FAAP was named President and CEO of ICSI.

Rachel Tellez, MD, FAAP wrote a letter published in the Washington Post about the role physicians play in reducing gun violence.

Nadia Maccabee-Ryaboy, MD testified in support of T21 at the Eden Prairie City Council. It successfully moved forward to a final vote the following month.

Nate Chomilo, MD, FAAP partnered with Twin Cities Medical Society to write a letter published in the Sun Post regarding Brooklyn Center’s T21 and E-cig sale restriction legislation. Both restrictions were voted in to place the same week.

Following a national search, UCare has hired Julia Joseph DiCaprio, MD, MPH, FAAP to lead the Medical Director team, as well as the Clinical Services, Pharmacy and Quality Management departments.

Lucien Gonzalez, MD, MS, FAAP, Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Minnesota and a Pediatric Addiction Medicine expert, was recognized by the AAP Section on Adolescent Health as the recipient of the Richard B. Heyman Award at the recent AAP National Conference & Exhibition.

Marc H. Gorelick, MD, MSCE, FAAP, President and Chief Executive Officer of Children’s Minnesota was presented with the Jim Seidel Distinguished Service Award from the AAP’s Section on Emergency Medicine at the recent AAP National Conference & Exhibition.

Angela Mattke, MD, FAAP, with Mayo Clinic wrote an article for AAP News recently that provided tips for pediatricians on connecting with the public via Facebook Live Stream. Check it out»

Rachel Tellez, MD, FAAP, wrote an article about how to teach children about differences that was featured in the April issue of Minnesota Parent. Check it out»

Nate Chomilo, MD, FAAP, was awarded the Gretchen Hunsberger Medical Champion Achievement Award from Reach out and Read. Additionally, he and Judith Eckerle, MD, FAAP, were profiled in Mpls.St.Paul Magazine for the Top Docs: Rising Stars edition. Check it out»

Mary Murati, MD, FAAP was recognized with the Bill Richards Young Physician Leadership Award by Park Nicollet Foundation. Since 2009, Dr. Murati has been a Park Nicollet Pediatric Hospitalist, with a keen eye for quality improvement.

Elsa Keeler, MD, MPH, FAAP, was recently named Clinic Medical Director at the HealthPartners White Bear Lake clinic.

Annual Sponsors

Children's Minnesota
Gillette Children's
Hennepin Healthcare
University of Minnesota Health
Mayo Clinic
Shriners Healthcare for Children-Twin Cities
Psychiatrist Assistance Line
Little Otter Health
Mankato Clinic
Central Priority Pediatrics